- generateFileName() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
Using the current date as file name to create a file(Not Thread-Safe).
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.BooleanReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.DoubleReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.FloatReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.IntReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.LongReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.Reference
Returns the value.
- get() - Method in class ra.ref.ShortReference
Returns the value.
- get() - Static method in class ra.util.CaughtExceptionHandler
- get() - Static method in class ra.util.Utility
Returns instance of class Utility.
- get2DigitYearStart() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See SimpleDateFormat.get2DigitYearStart()
- getAccessTokensSize() - Static method in class ra.server.basis.CommandsVerification
Returns content size that access token of department.
- getAccessTokensStream() - Static method in class ra.server.basis.CommandsVerification
Returns access token of department.
- getAndClose(Consumer<StatementExecutor>) - Method in class ra.db.OnceDatabaseFactory
Get once database connection, It will be close after use.
- getApplication() - Static method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Get current application.
- getArray(String, Class<T[]>) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a BigDecimal by the column`s name.
- getArray(String, Class<T[]>) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getAuthorization() - Method in class ra.net.request.DefaultRequest
Returns authorization of the request.
- getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a BigDecimal by the column`s name.
- getBigDecimal(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getByte() - Method in class ra.net.TransmissionEnd
Returns the character convert to byte.
- getBytes(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a byte array by the column`s name.
- getBytes(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getCalendar() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See DateFormat.getCalendar()
- getCategory() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getCategory() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns DatabaseCategory.
- getCategory() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getCategory() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getCategory() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getChar() - Method in class ra.net.TransmissionEnd
Returns the character.
- getClass(int) - Static method in class ra.db.record.JdbcTypeWrapper
Get corresponding Java class from Types
- getColumnName(int) - Method in interface ra.db.record.Record
Returns name of column.
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
Returns name of column.
- getCommand() - Method in class ra.net.request.DefaultRequest
Returns command.
- getCommandsAuthorizationSize() - Static method in class ra.server.basis.CommandsVerification
Returns list size of departments.
- getCommandsAuthorizationStream() - Static method in class ra.server.basis.CommandsVerification
Returns department list.
- getCommittedVirtualMemory() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process
in bytes, or -1 if this operation is not supported.
- getCommittedVirtualMemory() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process
in bytes, or -1 if this operation is not supported.
- getCompressionMode() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Get the Compression Mode of saving Log file.
- getCompressionTimeUnit() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Set the time unit of the split log.
- getConfiguration() - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns server configuration.
- getConnection() - Method in class ra.db.connection.ConcurrentConnection
- getConnection(DatabaseConnection.ConnectionFunction) - Method in class ra.db.connection.ConcurrentConnection
- getConnection() - Method in class ra.db.connection.OnceConnection
- getConnection(DatabaseConnection.ConnectionFunction) - Method in class ra.db.connection.OnceConnection
- getConnection() - Method in class ra.db.connection.OriginalConnection
- getConnection(DatabaseConnection.ConnectionFunction) - Method in class ra.db.connection.OriginalConnection
- getConnection() - Method in interface ra.db.DatabaseConnection
Get current database connection.
- getConnection(DatabaseConnection.ConnectionFunction) - Method in interface ra.db.DatabaseConnection
Get current database connection.
- getConnection(int) - Method in class ra.db.DatabaseConnections
Returns database connection.
- getContent() - Method in class ra.net.nio.Data
Returns content.
- getCount() - Method in class ra.db.OnceDatabaseFactory
Get current connection count.
- getCountMachine() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Returns machine counter.
- getCurrentDate() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
Get Year、Month、Day of Today(Not Thread-Safe).
- getData() - Method in class ra.net.nio.DataNetService.DataNetRequest
Returns the data.
- getDatabaseUrl() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getDatabaseUrl() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns the URL of parameters.
- getDatabaseUrl() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getDatabaseUrl() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getDatabaseUrl() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getDataNetService(int) - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns service.
- getDataType() - Method in class ra.net.nio.Data
Returns data type.
- getDateFormatSymbols() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See SimpleDateFormat.getDateFormatSymbols()
- getDouble(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a double by the column`s name.
- getDouble(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getDriver() - Method in enum ra.db.DatabaseCategory
driver name.
- getDriver() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getDriver() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns JDBC driver.
- getDriver() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getDriver() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getDriver() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getEnable() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Returns log enable.
- getErrorLog() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Returns server error log.
- getFieldCount() - Method in interface ra.db.record.RecordCursor
Get count of table fields.
- getFieldCount() - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
Take count in the table`s column.
- getFilenameExtension() - Method in enum ra.util.compression.CompressionMode
Returns extension name of file.
- getFloat(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a float by the column`s name.
- getFloat(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getFreePhysicalMemorySize() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the amount of free physical memory in bytes.
- getFreePhysicalMemorySize() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the amount of free physical memory in bytes.
- getFreeSwapSpace() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns free swap space.
- getFreeSwapSpace() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the amount of free swap space in bytes.
- getHost() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getHost() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns host that connects to database.
- getHost() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getHost() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getHost() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.net.DefaultUser
Returns index of member in user pool.
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.net.NetService
Returns index.
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.net.NetSocketWriterKeep
Returns the index.
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.net.nio.DataNetService
Returns index of service.
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.net.request.Request
Returns index.
- getIndex() - Method in interface ra.net.User
Returns index of member in user pool.
- getIndex() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Return index.
- getInt(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a int by the column`s name.
- getInt(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getIp() - Method in class ra.net.DefaultUser
Returns IP address of the user.
- getIp() - Method in class ra.net.nio.Sender
Returns IP address of client.
- getIp() - Method in class ra.net.request.Request
Returns IP address of remote.
- getIp() - Method in class ra.net.SendProcessor
Returns IP address.
- getIp() - Method in interface ra.net.User
Returns IP address of the user.
- getJson() - Method in class ra.net.request.DefaultRequest
Returns JSONObject of the request.
- getKeepDays() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Returns log keep days.
- getLastInsertId(Statement) - Method in interface ra.db.record.Record
Returns last insert id.
- getLastInsertId(Statement) - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
Returns last insert id.
- getLeft() - Method in class ra.ref.BiReference
Returns element of left.
- getLocalHost() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns local address object.
- getLocalHostAddress() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the local IP address, ex:, and when local is no address will return null.
- getLogDelete() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Returns instance of delete log.
- getLogFile() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
Returns the file name of the log file.
- getLogFileFolder() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
Returns log file.
- getLogRecord() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
Returns instance of record logs.
- getLong(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a long by the column`s name.
- getLong(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getMessageSender() - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns message sender.
- getName() - Method in class ra.db.DatabaseConnections
Returns connection alias of database.
- getName() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
Returns database name.
- getName() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
Returns database name.
- getName() - Method in class ra.net.DefaultUser
Returns name of user.
- getName() - Method in interface ra.net.User
Returns name of user.
- getNetService(int) - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns service.
- getNumberFormat() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See DateFormat.getNumberFormat()
- getObject(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a Object by the column`s name.
- getObject(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getParam() - Method in class ra.db.connection.ConcurrentConnection
- getParam() - Method in class ra.db.connection.OnceConnection
- getParam() - Method in class ra.db.connection.OriginalConnection
- getParam() - Method in interface ra.db.DatabaseConnection
Returns database properties settings.
- getPassword() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.Accountable
Returns database password.
- getPassword() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getPassword() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getPath() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Returns log path.
- getPattern() - Method in enum ra.util.logging.CompressionTimeUnit
get the date format pattern.
- getPort() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getPort() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns port that connects to database.
- getPort() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getPort() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getPort() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getProcessCpuLoad() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns current process CPU status.
- getProcessCpuLoad() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the CPU percent used by the process.
- getProcessCpuTime() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the CPU time used by the process on which the Java virtual machine is running in
- getProcessCpuTime() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the CPU time used by the process on which the Java virtual machine is running in
- getProcessMemoryLoad() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns current process memory status.
- getProperties() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
Returns DbSettings.
- getProperties() - Method in class ra.net.ServerConfiguration
Get all properties.
- getProperty(String) - Method in class ra.net.ServerConfiguration
Gets value that specifies key from application.properties.
- getProperty(String, String) - Method in class ra.net.ServerConfiguration
Gets value that specifies key from application.properties.
- getPropertyAsInt(String) - Method in class ra.net.ServerConfiguration
Gets value that specifies key from application.properties.
- getPropertyAsInt(String, int) - Method in class ra.net.ServerConfiguration
Gets value that specifies key from application.properties.
- getReciveTime() - Method in class ra.net.request.DefaultRequest
Returns receive time of the request.
- getRecordCount() - Method in interface ra.db.record.RecordCursor
Get count of record.
- getRecordCount() - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
Take the row count in SQL statement execute finish.
- getRegeditCode() - Method in class ra.net.NetSocketWriterKeep
Returns the registration code.
- getRequestCount() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Returns request counts that current processing.
- getRight() - Method in class ra.ref.BiReference
Returns element of right.
- getSchema() - Method in enum ra.db.DatabaseCategory
driver schema.
- getSendCompilete() - Method in class ra.net.NetService
- getSendCompilete() - Method in interface ra.net.NetServiceable
Returns true will encryption.
- getSendCompilete() - Method in class ra.net.SendProcessor
Return whether completed that sent the message.
- getSendData() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Returns response sender.
- getSender() - Method in class ra.net.NetService.NetRequest
Returns sender.
- getSender() - Method in class ra.net.nio.DataNetService.DataNetRequest
Returns data.
- getServerIp() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Returns host address that current server.
- getServerLog() - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Returns server log.
- getService(int) - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
- getService(String) - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns service.
- getService(int) - Method in interface ra.net.NetServiceProvider
Hash Key : Net{0~n}.
- getService(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.ServiceLoader
Returns service by specific command.
- getSource() - Method in class ra.net.request.DefaultRequest
Returns source text of the request.
- getSql() - Method in class ra.db.Prepared
- getStatementExecutor(int) - Method in class ra.db.DatabaseConnections
Returns SQL statement executer.
- getString(String) - Method in class ra.db.record.Row
Take the value of that column`s value as a String by the column`s name.
- getString(String) - Method in interface ra.db.record.RowSet
Gets value uses the specific column name.
- getString() - Method in class ra.net.TransmissionEnd
Returns the character convert to string.
- getSystemCpuLoad() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns current system CPU status.
- getSystemCpuLoad() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Get system CPU status.
- getText() - Method in class ra.net.NetService.NetRequest
Returns text.
- getThrowableDetail(Throwable) - Method in class ra.util.CaughtExceptionHandler
Returns details of the error message.
- getThrowableDetail(Throwable) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
Return details of exception.
- getTimeZone() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See DateFormat.getTimeZone()
- getTitle() - Method in class ra.net.nio.Data
Returns title.
- getTotalPhysicalMemory() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the total amount of physical memory in bytes.
- getTotalPhysicalMemory() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the total amount of physical memory in bytes.
- getTotalSwapSpaceSize() - Method in class ra.util.Monitor
Returns the total amount of swap space in bytes.
- getTotalSwapSpaceSize() - Method in class ra.util.OperatingSystemProxy
Returns the total amount of swap space in bytes.
- getType() - Method in class ra.db.ParameterValue
- getType() - Method in enum ra.net.nio.DataType
Returns type of data.
- getUrlSchema() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
- getUrlSchema() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.DatabaseParameters
Returns JDBC schema.
- getUrlSchema() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getUrlSchema() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getUrlSchema() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
- getUser() - Method in interface ra.db.parameter.Accountable
Returns database user.
- getUser() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
- getUser() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
- getUser(int) - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
Returns user.
- getUsers() - Method in class ra.net.NetServerApplication
- getUsers() - Method in interface ra.net.NetServiceProvider
Hash Key : {User.getIndex()} ex:0~n.
- getValue() - Method in class ra.db.ParameterValue
- getValue(ResultSet, int, int) - Static method in class ra.db.record.JdbcTypeWrapper
Get the Java class corresponding to the value from the Types
- getValues() - Method in class ra.db.Prepared
- Global - Class in ra.server.basis
Provide logging.
- Global() - Constructor for class ra.server.basis.Global
- GzipFileStringInput - Class in ra.util.compression
Use gzip to read text files.
- GzipFileStringInput(File, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.compression.GzipFileStringInput
- GzipFileStringOutput - Class in ra.util.compression
Use gzip to compress the output text file.
- GzipFileStringOutput(File, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.compression.GzipFileStringOutput