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tcp(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Server mode (remote connections) using TCP/IP.
tcpInMemory() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Server mode (remote connections) using TCP/IP, and database use in-memory.
TernaryFunction<T,U,O,R> - Interface in ra.util
Ternary Function.
toBuilder() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
Clone a new builder with the current MysqlParameters state.
toBuilder() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
Clone a new builder with the current MysqlParameters state.
toBuilder() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
Clone a new builder with the current SpannerParameters state.
toBuilder() - Method in class ra.db.Prepared
Clone a new builder with the current Prepared state.
toBytes() - Method in class
Returns title appends content as bytes.
toCalendar(String) - Static method in class ra.util.Iso8601
Transform ISO 8601 string to Calendar.
toDate(String) - Static method in class ra.util.Iso8601
Transform ISO 8601 string to Date.
toExceptionStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
Converts exception stack trace to string.
toInt() - Method in class ra.db.record.LastInsertId
toInt(byte[]) - Static method in enum
Converts the data type to int.
toLocalizedPattern() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See SimpleDateFormat.toLocalizedPattern().
toLong() - Method in class ra.db.record.LastInsertId
toPattern() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See SimpleDateFormat.toPattern().
toString() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters
toString() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters
toString() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
toString() - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters
toString() - Method in class ra.db.ParameterValue
toString() - Method in class ra.db.record.LastInsertId
toString() - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.BiReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.BooleanReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.DoubleReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.FloatReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.IntReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.LongReference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.Reference
toString() - Method in class ra.ref.ShortReference
toString() - Method in class ra.server.basis.ServiceLoader
toString() - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogDelete
toString() - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Transaction(StatementFactory) - Constructor for class ra.db.JdbcExecutor.Transaction
TransactionExecutor - Interface in ra.db
Transaction Executor.
transfer(Data, Writable) - Method in class
Transfer - Interface in
Transfer layer.
transfer(Data, Writable) - Method in interface
TransmissionEnd - Class in
End of transmission.
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super RowSet>) - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSpliterator
tryExecuteUpdate(String) - Method in class ra.db.JdbcExecutor
Attempts to execute the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.
tryExecuteUpdate(String) - Method in interface ra.db.StatementExecutor
Attempts to execute the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.
tryGetConnection(DatabaseParameters) - Method in interface ra.db.DatabaseConnection
Try to get a database connection from database pool.
trySplit() - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSpliterator
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