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LastInsertId - Class in ra.db.record
LastInsertId(String) - Constructor for class ra.db.record.LastInsertId
loadClasses(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.ServiceLoader
Wear the class marked @RequestCommand, and search for the specified packageName and its lower packages by default.
loadCommands(String) - Static method in class ra.server.basis.CommandsVerification
Load commands.
loadDriveInstance(DatabaseParameters) - Method in interface ra.db.DatabaseConnection
Load driver.
localFile(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Embedded (local) connection.
LogDelete - Class in ra.util.logging
Regular Delete Log file.
LogDelete(String, int) - Constructor for class ra.util.logging.LogDelete
LogDelete() - Constructor for class ra.util.logging.LogDelete
LogEveryDay - Class in ra.util.logging
Using the Date to create a file every day, which be used to write Log.
LogEveryDay(boolean, LogSettings, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
LogRecord - Class in ra.util.logging
Create a file which be used to write Log.
LogRecord() - Constructor for class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
LogRecord.OnNotEnoughSpaceListener - Interface in ra.util.logging
It will be called on, when has not enough storage space remaining.
LogSettings - Class in ra.util.logging
General Setting parameters for Log.
LogSettings() - Constructor for class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
LongReference - Class in ra.ref
Long type of reference.
LongReference(long) - Constructor for class ra.ref.LongReference
LongReference() - Constructor for class ra.ref.LongReference
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