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send(String, int) - Method in class
Sent message specific user.
send(String) - Method in class
Send message.
send(String, int) - Method in class
Sent message synchronous.
send(String) - Method in class
Sent message synchronous.
send(String) - Method in class
Send message.
send(Data) - Method in class
Sent to client text or file.
send(Data) - Method in class
Send data.
send(String) - Method in class
Send message as a response.
send(T) - Method in interface
Send message.
send(String) - Method in class
Send message.
send(String) - Method in class
Send message.
send(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message.
send(JSONObject) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message.
send(JSONArray) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message.
send(String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
send(JSONObject, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
Send message to specify user by index.
Sendable<T> - Interface in
sendAsync(String) - Method in class
Sent message asynchronous.
sendClose(String, int) - Method in class
After sending messages to specific user will close user connection.
sendClose(String) - Method in class
Close connection after sending message.
sendClose(Data) - Method in class
Close client connection after sent to client text or file.
sendClose(Data) - Method in class
Close sender after sending data.
sendClose(String) - Method in class
Send message as a response and close connection.
sendClose(T) - Method in interface
Close connection after sent the message.
sendClose(String) - Method in class
Close the connection after sent the message.
sendClose(String) - Method in class
sendClose(JSONArray) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message and close connection.
sendClose(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message and close connection.
sendClose(JSONObject) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message and close connection.
sendClose(String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
sendClose(JSONObject, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
Ensure send message to specify user before close connection.
Sender<E> - Class in
Provide sent message use queue.
Sender(Serviceable<E>, Transfer, Socket, int) - Constructor for class
SenderAdapter - Class in ra.server.basis
Message sender.
SenderAdapter(MessageSender) - Constructor for class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
Not record log.
SenderAdapter(MessageSender, LogEveryDay, LogEveryDay) - Constructor for class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
If argument 'commonLog' and 'errorLog' not null will enable logging.
sendError(String, int, String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Send error message.
sendError(String, int, String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Send message and record log.
sendError(String, int, String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
Logging after sending error message.
sendErrorClose(String, int, String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Logging after sending error message and close connection.
sendErrorClose(String, int, String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Response
Disconnect the client connection after sending the error message and record logging.
sendErrorClose(String, int, String, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.SenderAdapter
Logging after sending error message and close connection.
sendMonitor(int, long) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Send server status.
sendPong(JSONObject, int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Send heartbeat.
SendProcessor - Class in
Provide sent message from the queue.
SendProcessor(NetServiceable, Socket, int) - Constructor for class
SendProcessor(NetServiceable) - Constructor for class
SendProcessorKeep - Class in
The queue of message.
SendProcessorKeep(NetSocketWriterKeep) - Constructor for class
ServerApplication - Annotation Type in ra.util.annotation
When tag member field as Quote annotation, the field will execute escape string.
ServerConfiguration - Class in
Default configuration.
ServerConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class
ServerConfiguration(Path) - Constructor for class
Serviceable<T> - Interface in
The service provide send message.
ServiceLite<T> - Interface in ra.server.basis
ServiceLoader<T> - Class in ra.server.basis
Service loader.
ServiceLoader() - Constructor for class ra.server.basis.ServiceLoader
set(int, ParameterValue) - Method in class ra.db.Prepared.Builder
set(boolean) - Method in class ra.ref.BooleanReference
Set the value.
set(double) - Method in class ra.ref.DoubleReference
Set the value.
set(float) - Method in class ra.ref.FloatReference
Set the value.
set(int) - Method in class ra.ref.IntReference
Set the value.
set(long) - Method in class ra.ref.LongReference
Set the value.
set(T) - Method in class ra.ref.Reference
Set the value.
set(short) - Method in class ra.ref.ShortReference
Set the value.
setAuthorization(String) - Method in class
Set authorization of the request.
setCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
See DateFormat.setCalendar(Calendar).
setCaughtExceptionHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class ra.util.CaughtExceptionHandler
To register listener event that caught exception.
setCheckTime(Duration) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogDelete
Checking the expired Log files each interval time, which is needed to delete.
setCommand(String) - Method in class
Set command of the request.
setCommandProcessorProvider(CommandProcessorProvider<NetService.NetRequest>) - Method in class
Set command processor.
setCommandProcessorProvider(CommandProcessorProvider<NetService.NetRequest>) - Method in class
Set CommandProcessorProvider.
setCommandProcessorProvider(CommandProcessorProvider<DataNetService.DataNetRequest>) - Method in class
Set CommandProcessorProvider.
setCompressionMode(CompressionMode) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
Setting the Compression Mode on a real-time saves Log.
setCompressionMode(CompressionMode) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
The Compression Mode on a real-time saves Log.
setCompressionTimeUnit(CompressionTimeUnit) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
The time unit of the Log file be created.
setCredentials(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters.Builder
Set the credentials property to the full path to the key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address.
setData(Data) - Method in class
Set data.
setDatabaseId(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters.Builder
The Cloud Spanner database name.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Set log enable.
setErrorConsoleOutputListener(Consumer<String>) - Method in class ra.util.CaughtExceptionHandler
The following situations will trigger events:.
setErrorLogEnable(Supplier<LogSettings>) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Set enable that server error log.
setErrorLogEnable(LogSettings) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Set the error log file path and storage period.
setHeartbeat(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set server heart beat.
setHost(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
Set host of databases.
setHost(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set host of databases.
setHost(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set host of databases.
setHost(String) - Method in class
Set server host.
setHost(String) - Method in class
Set server host.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Assign index for the user.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Set index.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Set specify index.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Set index.
setIndex(int) - Method in class
Set index.
setIndex(int) - Method in interface
Assign index for the user.
setInstanceId(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters.Builder
The Cloud Spanner project instance name.
setIp(String) - Method in class
Set the IP address for the user.
setIp(String) - Method in class
Set IP address of remote.
setIp(String) - Method in interface
Set the IP address for the user.
setJson(JSONObject) - Method in class
Set JSONObject of the request.
setKeepDays(int) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Set log keep days.
setLeft(L) - Method in class ra.ref.BiReference
Set element of the left.
setLogEnable(boolean) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
Enable log.
setMaxFileSize(long, SpaceUnit) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogEveryDay
Setting the limit size of Log file.
setMaxFileSize(long, SpaceUnit) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
Setting the limit size of Log file.
setMonitorAdditionalInfo(Supplier<String>) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common
Set the monitoring value to return additional additional information.
setName(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set database name.
setName(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set database name.
setName(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters
Set database name.
setName(String) - Method in class
Set name for the user.
setName(String) - Method in interface
Set name for the user.
setNetServiceProvider(NetServiceProvider) - Method in class
Set NetServiceProvider.
setOauthPvtKeyFile(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
Set the OAuthPvtKeyPath property to the full path to the key file that is used to authenticate the service account email address.
setOauthServiceAcctEmail(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
Set the OAuthServiceAcctEmail property to your Google service account email address.
setOauthType(Integer) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
[AuthValue]is a number that specifies the type of authentication used by the connector.
setOnNotEnoughSpaceListener(LogRecord.OnNotEnoughSpaceListener) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
Register listener to receive events when not enough space.
setOnReadLineListener(Consumer<Data>) - Method in class
Register listener.
setPassword(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set database user password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set database user password.
setPath(String) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogSettings
Set log path.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
[Port] is the number of the TCP port to connect to.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set the port of TCP mode.
setPort(Integer) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set database port.
setPort(int) - Method in class
Set server port.
setPort(int) - Method in class
Set server port.
setProfileSql(boolean) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
enable/disable debug mode.
setProjectId(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
[Project] is the name of your BigQuery project.
setProjectId(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters.Builder
The Cloud Spanner project name.
setProperties(String, String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.BigQueryParameters.Builder
Ïß Set connection setting and DbSettings.
setProperties(String, String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set connection setting and DbSettings.
setProperties(String, String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set connection setting and DbSettings.
setProperties(String, String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.SpannerParameters.Builder
Ïß Set connection setting and DbSettings.
setReciveTime(long) - Method in class
Set receive time of the request.
setRegeditCode(String) - Method in class
Send code when first connected.
setRight(R) - Method in class ra.ref.BiReference
Set element of the right.
setSendCompilete(boolean) - Method in class
setSendCompilete(boolean) - Method in interface
Enable encryption.
setSender(Sendable<String>) - Method in class
Set message sender.
setSender(Sendable<Data>) - Method in class
Set message sender.
setSenderAdapter(SenderAdapter) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set sender.
setSendExecutor(Executor) - Method in class
Set executor service.
setSendExecutor(Executor) - Method in class
Set executor service.
setSendTimeOut(int) - Method in class
Set timeout that to send message.
setServerAlias(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set server alias.
setServerLogEnable(Supplier<LogSettings>) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Set enable that server log.
setServerLogEnable(LogSettings) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Global
Set the log file path and storage period.
setServerName(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set server name.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set server port.
setServerSocket(ServerSocket) - Method in class
Set ServerSocket.
setServerSocket(ServerSocket) - Method in class
Set server socket.
setServerVersion(String) - Method in class ra.server.basis.Common.Builder
Set server version.
setSimpleDateFormat(String) - Method in class ra.util.logging.LogRecord
The Date format style of write log into Log file.
setSocketSoTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
Enable/disable SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setSocketSoTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
Set timeout.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class
Enable/disable SO_TIMEOUT with the specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setSoTimeout(int) - Method in class
Set timeout value.
setSource(String) - Method in class
Set source text of the request.
setText(String) - Method in class
Set text.
setTransferListener(Transfer) - Method in class
Register listener.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class ra.db.ParameterValue.Builder
setupDefaultProperty(Properties) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Load default properties before connecting database.
setUser(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.H2Parameters.Builder
Set database user name.
setUser(String) - Method in class ra.db.parameter.MysqlParameters.Builder
Set database user name.
setValue(Object) - Method in class ra.db.ParameterValue.Builder
setValue(Object, Field, String) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
Assign value to object member.
sformat(double) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
Numbers are converted from scientific symbols back to numbers.
ShortReference - Class in ra.ref
Short type of refercnce.
ShortReference(short) - Constructor for class ra.ref.ShortReference
ShortReference() - Constructor for class ra.ref.ShortReference
shouldSkipClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface ra.util.parser.VisitClassStrategy
Decide whether to skip access to the parent class.
shouldVisitField(Field) - Method in interface ra.util.parser.VisitClassStrategy
Each field object can be obtained for the specified class.
showAll(Object) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
List object all member and value.
showSetterGetter(Class<T>) - Method in class ra.util.Utility
List object that setter, getter method and value.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe - Class in ra.util
Thread safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe() - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe(Supplier<SimpleDateFormat>) - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe(String) - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe(String, TimeZone) - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe(String, DateFormatSymbols) - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe(String, Locale) - Constructor for class ra.util.SimpleDateFormatThreadSafe
Thread safe.
SnappyFileStringInput - Class in ra.util.compression
Use snappy to read text files.
SnappyFileStringInput(File, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.compression.SnappyFileStringInput
SnappyFileStringOutput - Class in ra.util.compression
Use snappy to compress the output text file.
SnappyFileStringOutput(File, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.compression.SnappyFileStringOutput
SpaceUnit - Enum in ra.util
Convert storage space unit.
SpannerParameters - Class in ra.db.parameter
Google Cloud Spanner parameters.
SpannerParameters.Builder - Class in ra.db.parameter
StatementExecutor - Interface in ra.db
SQL statement (CRUD) executor.
StatementFactory - Interface in ra.db
Statement factory.
StatementsFunction - Interface in ra.util.sql
Statements function.
stream() - Method in interface ra.db.record.RecordCursor
Returns ordered stream of the number of data after the query is completed.
stream() - Method in class ra.db.record.RecordSet
Return the serialization stream in SQL statement execute finish.
string(String) - Static method in class ra.db.ParameterValue
Creates a ParameterValue object with a type of String.
StringFileOutput - Class in ra.util.compression
Output string with file.
StringFileOutput(File, String) - Constructor for class ra.util.compression.StringFileOutput
StringInput - Interface in ra.util.compression
Read string.
StringOutput - Interface in ra.util.compression
Write string.
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